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Ultra endurance cyclist

By his own admission, Guy’s not an athlete or an adventurer; he’s an ordinary, everyday man. 

Guy’s in charge of procurement for a local housing association where he lives in the south east of England. He worked all hours and put everything into his work during his twenties. This drove him to a personal crossroads in his life and a fair amount of pain and hurt. Guy decided to use this event to start being the change he wanted to see in the world.

Sport, exercise and training became the outlet. He got tired of talking about doing things and started a journey to challenge, inspire and change. By pushing himself outside of his comfort zone, he hopes to inspire others to do the same, and together, drive positive change in the world.  

Guy came up with Miles for Wishes, a concept to raise money for Make-A-Wish UK, a charity that creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Guy has raised over £6,000 by taking on some incredible challenges since taking up running and cycling in 2017. He’s climbed the National Three Peaks solo, cycled from John O’Groats to Land’s End solo in nine days, cycled the National Three Peaks in three days solo and run seven ultra-marathons (from Liverpool to Reading) in seven consecutive days. In May 2019, Guy set the record for the fastest solo cycle of the Welsh Three Peaks challenge.

Guy trains in his spare time, outside of the day job, with one goal in mind:  to take on the toughest bike race in the world, Race Across America, in 2022. There are several challenges in between which will form part of his preparation for Race Across America and we’ll document Guy’s progress on this amazing journey. 

When does Guy use LifeJacket and why?

The combination of being pale skinned and being on the bike all day means I need skincare I can trust. Finding LifeJacket has been a game changer – their 50+ Sun Gel goes on easily, it’s not greasy at all and it really does protect me. Being reef safe and cruelty free is a huge tick for me too – I’m a big believer in supporting UK brands making a positive change!

Where to see Guy in action?

See more of Guy on his own website which has a great blog section or on social