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GB and pro wakeboarder

Ryan is a British wakeboarder, film maker, globetrotter and all round lover of extreme sports.

Ryan’s been wakeboarding since the age of 10 largely thanks to his grandad who had a boat and growing up by a lake in Berkshire, England. Having started boarding behind a boat, Ryan moved over to cable quite soon after to progress his park riding.

Ryan has competed across the world and was crowned British National Champion and UK cable rider of the year in 2015. He also made the podium at Plastic Playground in 2016.

Importantly for Ryan’s development as a rider, his brother Liam is also a pro wakeboarder and their sibling rivalry has continually pushed each of them to improve, try out new tricks and advance the sport.

The Peacock Brothers are a brand in their own right on the international wakeboard scene. Both Ryan and Liam travel, teach, compete and perform at wakeboard parks all over the world. They’re also keen videographers and have a really entertaining YouTube channel that showcases their talents and vlogs about all the crazy stuff they’re up to (see link below).

When does Ryan use LifeJacket and why?

I always have a bottle of LifeJacket in my backpack to make sure my skin can be protected at all times!

Trying to chase the sun for the whole year I quickly realised the effects the sun can have on my skin if I’m not careful. I wear LifeJacket as my health is incredibly important to me, and want to continue being able to do what I love as long as possible!

Where to see Ryan in action?

See more of Ryan on social or The Peacock Brothers YouTube channel and website