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Champion kiteboarder, Jordan Hurst, tells us what's in his bag

Champion kiteboarder, Jordan Hurst, tells us what's in his bag

Thinking of taking up kiteboarding and want to know what kit will make you look more 'All-The-Gear' and less 'No-Idea'? Then look no further because we've #GotYourBack. We recently sat down with British kite board legend - and a great friend of LifeJacket - Mr Jordan Hurst.

Jordan's a former junior British champion who still competes on the UK circuit. He spends most of his time chasing wind around Dorset and perfecting his skills around the south coast and abroad (travel permitting).

If you want to see Jordan in action, give him a follow on instagram to get an honest insight into the life of a cool kite boarder and top guy. Be ready for some adrenaline-fuelled stunts (and crashes)!

For now, here's Jordan's LifeKit.

1. North Kiteboarding / North Orbit

I think North Kiteboarding have the best products on the market to help you reach new heights. At the moment, during the UK winter, I’ve turned my focus to the big air side of kitesurfing, often hitting the winter storms and making the most of what conditions we get this time of year. For the big air days, I ride the North Orbit kite - the name says it all!

2. Mystic Boarding harness

My wetsuit and harness from Mystic Boarding keep me super comfortable on the water. This time of year, to help keep me warm I use the Mystic Majestic 5/3 wetsuit and the harness I use is the Dirty Habits signature hardshell.

3. Go Pro Max

The Go Pro Max is an awesome 360 action sports camera that can capture every angle possible. The unique shots it can get are mind-blowing, and the creative side always comes out trying to perfect the shot.

If you haven’t heard of it, I'd definitely recommend checking out some of the footage you can capture!

4. DJI Mavic 2

The DJI Mavic 2 is a great drone that I use very often. Not only for getting the perfect shots but for also just exploring the local area from a perspective that you wouldn't normally be able to see. The drone has more features on it than I’d even know what to do with! One of my favourite features is the ‘hyper lapse’ mode that gets awesome moving time lapses.

5. Dead Paradise ‘Signature Series Sweatshirt’

I started a brand just as lockdown hit across the world hit. My vision was to bring a community of like-minded people together across a range of action sports. This is my favourite item across the range, perfect for after the session sundowners whilst cracking open a cold one…

6. SunGod Sierras

These sunglasses are my go to. Actually, they were introduced to me via fellow LifeJacket ambassador, Liam Peacock. Being in the outdoors often, it’s a must to not only keep your skin protected but also your eyes, from harmful UV rays. Not only that but they also look pretty dope too!