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Unboxing our brand new and improved packaging

Unboxing our brand new and improved packaging

Today’s a big day for us at LifeJacket HQ and, hopefully, one of many more landmarks to come.

After a whole lot of planning, design work and considerable patience, we’re seriously proud to be launching our first ever packaging update.

In the beginning...

It’s always a total guess when you start something from scratch. How much will we need? What should we write on the packaging? Will people like the design and the products? What will people dislike? In the end, you just have to commit and go for it. And that’s exactly what we did over four years ago.

What's changed?

As a brand and as people who always want to be improving your LifeJacket experience, we’ve learnt a lot and listened to you. In particular, we’ve focused on our environmental footprint just as much as making design changes that better represent the brand’s attitude.

Like we said, we’re doing our best and always trying to be better but here are some of the highlights :

🧪 Our tubes and caps are now made from 55% recycled plastic (far ahead of government targets)

👂 We listened and moved all of our skincare products to flip top caps

🧪 The tube material and caps on our skincare products are thinner and lighter, materially reducing the carbon footprint

💼 Our clothing protector bags, mailing bags and labels are all 100% compostable and can be placed in your home compost or recycling mean. They break down completely within 6 months leaving nothing toxic behind, making it easy for you to get rid of your waste without hurting the planet

📦 Our cardboard is ethically sourced, compostable and fully recyclable

✅ Overall, we've materially reduced our packaging footprint using thinner and fewer materials

Rest assured, we haven’t touched our products or formulations. The same high performance range of LifeJacket products remains untouched - it’s just been given a face lift. And starting from today, any order placed on our website will be migrated to v2 (as we’ve been calling it internally) and we can’t wait for you to get your hands on it.

And it's all thanks to you

We want to say a heartfelt thanks to you for your support and feedback.

Without you, LifeJacket wouldn’t be where it is today and we wouldn’t have been able to chip away at our mission to protect more people’s skin every single day and help reduce the incidence of skin cancer.

As always, please reach out if you need anything from us.

Stay safe.

Billy, Jono and Rob