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#TakeLifeOutside with Jake Best

#TakeLifeOutside with Jake Best

Last week, blessed by some incredible January weather in one of the most beautiful parts of Dorset, we caught up with local legend, Jake Best.

People who motivate and inspire us - while being genuine, kind and thoughtful people - are the very focus of our Take Life Outside series and Jake fits right into that sweet spot.

Jake's a former professional boxer who seamlessly combines a life as a father-husband-employee with some extraordinary charity challenges.

In March 2022, Jake's taking on five world records and we caught up with him on one of his ten, weekly training sessions. For this latest challenge, Jake's fundraise is going towards The Special Boat Service Association and Rock2Recovery, two incredible charities for the armed forces and military veterans.

Check out the short film to hear what the March challenge is comprised of, how Jake fits it into his life and why he does it. We hope the incredible weather and Jake's mindset encourages you to take on a challenge of your own this year! And if you want to keep an eye on Jake's training and his world record attempts, give him a follow here.